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CHINA WORLD NOVEMBER 2020 / 2020 年 11 月刊 17
and Pumpkin, infusing the delicate Fish with the
rich flavours of the ingredients.
Sweetened Red Bean Soup with Dried Orange Peel
Of course, you can’t talk about Cantonese cuisine
without mentioning dessert. Kenny recommends
one of Summer Palace’s signature desserts, Red
Bean Soup with aged Tangerine Peel. Summer
Palace uses highly fragrant 15-year-old Tangerine
Peel, combined with tender steamed Red Beans
to create a smooth, lightly-sweetened Soup that
is thought to help lower fever in the body.
Huaiyang cuisine: An elegant new
In 2008, many visitors who came to Beijing
for the Olympics were introduced to Huaiyang
cuisine for the first time. While maintaining its
commitment to Cantonese cuisine, by introducing
Huiayang cuisine, Summer Palace created a well-
rounded menu that demonstrated the best of
Chinese cooking.
Braised Eel with Pickled Mustard Greens
This is a dish that shows off the blend of intricacy
风雅呈现:人间至味“淮扬菜” and homeliness that characterises Huaiyang
2008 年,北京奥运喜迎八方来客,淮扬菜让中外友人分外青睐。在保留粤式经 cuisine. The Eel must be carefully deboned using a fine knife, and is then cooked over
典的同时,融入淮扬菜系,是夏宫发展历程中的点睛之笔。夏宫中餐厅推出的 a low flame with preserved Mustard Greens sourced from a farmer in Shaoxing in
淮扬菜品,把淮扬菜的“和、精、清、新”演绎得淋漓尽致。 eastern Zhejiang.
作为淮扬本地特色菜的梅干菜烧鳗鱼,陈师傅说这道菜很形象地展示了粤菜做 Braised Rare-Breed Black Pork Belly with Radish and Black Truffles
法的复杂与精细,其中鳗鱼采用精细的刀工去骨、切花刀,当香滑甘美的鳗鱼 Black Truffles are more commonly associated with French cuisine, but they also shine
与绍兴农家烤制的梅干菜巧妙结合,慢火烧制,肉香汁浓,地道传统的中式口味, in this modern twist on a Huaiyang dish of slow-cooked Pork Belly and White Radish.
带给顾客满满的幸福感。 Summer Palace uses Black Truffles from Shangri-La in Yunnan for their superior
黑松露虽是法餐的座上宾,但在夏宫的黑松露萝卜烧黑猪肉中,精选云南香格 fragrance. For Kenny, this is a must-order dish now that the weather is getting colder.
烧手法,便成了一道软糯可口,回味无穷的佳肴美馔。陈师傅更是风趣地说道, Peking Duck: The star of Beijing cuisine
这道奢华版的红烧肉,是“贴秋膘”的必备。 In 2019, Summer Palace once again broke the mould by adding Peking Duck to the
menu for the very first time, using a recipe from Shangri-La Group’s Peking Duck
再添力作:北京菜里有乾坤 expert, Master Yuan Chaoying.
2019 年,夏宫再次献上诚意之作,由香格里拉集团烤鸭形象大使和烤鸭研制 Summer Palace Peking Duck
专家袁超英大师为饕餮食客们带来他精心打造的枣木烤鸭。 Peking Duck is a must-order dish for any visitor to Beijing. Summer Palace selects
北京烤鸭有“天下第一美味”之称 , 也是北京风味的代表作。夏宫严格甄选血 premium, natural ducks bred specially to make roast Peking Duck. The ducks are
统纯正、天然无污染的北京填鸭新鲜鸭坯作为原料,为制作原汁原味、外焦里 roasted in a hanging oven over fragrant Jujube wood, according to a 155-year-old
嫩的夏宫烤鸭奠定基础。同时,运用匠心传承 155 年的传统挂炉烤鸭技艺配以 technique. The Duck is served with a special sauce prepared according to Master
枣木精心烤制,确保每一只新鲜出炉的夏宫烤鸭,都能保持始终如一的高品质。 Yuan’s recipe. The sauce uses only natural ingredients with no preservatives and has a
由袁超英师傅精心调制的独家秘制酱料天然健康,不含防腐剂,仅有 45 天保 shelf life of only 45 days. The sweet-savoury flavour of the sauce pairs deliciously with
质期,相信在酱料的点缀下,夏宫烤鸭定将成为一道不可不尝的营养美味。正 the crispy, fatty Duck.
The joy of thrift
真正的精致:节俭中追求美好 In response to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instruction to cut food waste,
为了响应习近平总书记关于“坚决制止餐饮浪费行为,切实培养节约习惯”的重 Summer Palace staff will help guests to order the exact amount of dishes when dining.
要指示,在点餐过程中,夏宫员工会建议客人点菜适量,不够食用可以再加菜, We recommend ordering the first course and then adding more dishes, if necessary.
同时建议客人可以点半份菜(即菜品的一半)。厨房这边也推出了按位上的菜品, Guests can also order half portions of some dishes. The kitchen can also serve
根据个人喜好和食量,选择单人量菜品和数量,既精致又不浪费。 individual portions rather than the usual style of sharing a big dish of food, and meals
一次一次的匠心传承,一次一次的味蕾碰撞,夏宫中餐厅总在以全新的形象让人 can then be tailored to each diner’s personal preferences or dietary requirements.
念念不忘! From classic dishes to new innovations, there is always something different to try at
Summer Palace.