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CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017 / 新年特刊  05

                                                                                         这个冬季 更健康更美丽!

                                                                                         谁说冬季只能美丽“冻人”? 这个冬天,东田造型携手心和堂中医
                                                                                         美型”。2017 年 1 月 31 日前,国贸写字楼租户凭 “租户身份卡”
                                                                                         东田时尚集合店优惠 3 选 1:
                                                                                         2、烫发 8.5 折优惠;
                                                                                         3、染发 8.5 折优惠。
             国贸食堂让“美味”送上餐桌                                                               位于国贸三期的东田时尚集合店,占地约 300 平米,是东田时尚旗
             GRAB A BITE AT CHINA WORLD                                                  下首家集发型设计、高端化妆区、服装高级定制与时尚造型产品零

             NEWLY OPENED CANTEEN                                                        心和堂中医诊疗机构:

                                                                                         1 元送健康:中医综合调理方案及 45 分钟治疗。
                                                                                             国贸三期商城 3L210     3L210 China World Mall
                                                                                             (86-10) 8535 1165, 6506 1116

           国贸食堂是由国贸与北京港廷餐饮管理有                    Run by China World Trade Center and Beijing
           限责任公司合作经营的面向国贸商圈内食                    Gangting Catering Management Company, China
           客和国贸员工的食堂,环境清雅,菜品种                    World Canteen serves an authentic array of local
           类丰富。港廷公司在北京嘉里中心、五矿                    food to China World staff and discerning business
           广场、天圆祥泰等多家企业承办员工食堂,                   customers in a quiet and neat environment.   WELLNESS AND BEAUTY PROMOTION
           其提供的每一道菜肴都经过大厨精心料理                    Gangting caters to businesses in Beijing Kerry   DEALS FOR OFFICE TENANTS
           呈现给食客。                                Center, Minmetals Square and Tianyuan Xiangtai.
           为照顾国贸商圈内食客及员工的不同口味,                   China World Canteen serves up some of their best,   Dongtian Collection and Inner Peace Traditional Chinese Medicine
           国贸食堂配备了冷热菜经典搭配,且菜品                    authentic, no-frills fare at affordable prices to its   Clinic are teaming up to offer you an all-round inner and outer beauty
           均为当日现炒,热餐在餐台保温箱内保存,                   customers. China World Canteen strictly adheres to   this winter. Until January 31, 2017, Dongtian Collection is giving China
           保证食客随时到来都能吃到到温度适口的食                   food safety management requirements for catering   World Offices tenant identity cardholders an entitlement of one of the
           物。同时,国贸食堂严格按照餐饮服务食品                   services, continually maintaining a hygienic, bright   following promotions:
           安全管理的有关要求,随时保持食堂的干净、                  and tidy cafeteria.                     1. Free hair styling service (not including hair wash and hair cut services)
           卫生、明亮、整洁,尤其保证食品安全。                    The Canteen serves breakfast from 7:30 am to   2. 15 percent off hair perm services
           国贸食堂提供早、午、晚三餐,早餐用餐时                   9:30 am, lunch from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm and   3. 15 percent off hair coloring services
           间为 7:30-9:30,午餐用餐时间为 11:00-           dinner from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Breakfast and   Inner Peace Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic is giving a special 1
           13:30,晚餐用餐时间为 17:00-19:30,周           dinner are not available during weekends. To   yuan package to all China World Offices tenant identity cardholders
           六日不提供早餐、晚餐套餐服务。国贸食                    check the daily menu, please log onto China   a personalized Traditional Chinese Medicine health solution and 45
           堂每日具体菜品,可登陆国贸圈进行查看。                   World Circle, or scan the QR code below.  minutes’ treatment.
                                                                                         The 300-square-meter Dongtian Collection in China World Mall is
                                                                                         Dongtian’s first fashion premium collection store that includes hair styling
                                                                                         and make-up services, haute couture collections and beauty products.
                                                                                         In its relentless quest for beauty, Dongtian provides a premium luxury
                                                                                         experience and a unique lifestyle services.
                                                                                         Inner Peace TCM Clinic provides customized and integrated solutions
                                                                                         to clients including acupuncture, Chinese spinal rehabilitation, herbal
                                                                                         medicated bath, scraping,
                                                                                         moxibustion, massage and
                                                                                         Chinese medicine products.
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