Page 6 - 2016-12-2017-01
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CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017 / 新年特刊  06

                                    国贸商城圣诞小屋  邀您体验“HYGEE”主题圣诞节

                                                                MALL LOG CABIN

                            这个 12 月 ,国贸商城邀您体验北欧传统“Hygee”(呼噶) China World Mall invites you to experience the Nordic hygge
                            主题圣诞节!打雪仗、包礼物、晒萌宠照片、和圣诞老人玩耍、 lifestyle including virtual reality snowball fights, gift-wrapping,
                            向挚友亲朋发去祝福 ...... Hygge 来了,您还等什么?                 writing postcards to loved ones and selfies with Santa and
                                 圣诞巡游   PARADE                                    节日礼品包装   GIFT-WRAP

                            从圣诞小屋出发,跟着圣诞老人和小精灵寻找快乐!                          圣诞限量款包装,用心装点你的礼物
                            时 间:12 月 17 日 -18 日 11:00 & 17:00;12 月 23 日 -24 时间:12 月 12 日 -25 日 11:00 - 19:00
                            日 11:00 & 17:00;12 月 25 日 12:00 & 17:00          凭当日购物消费小票满 50 元,即可免费获得圣诞专属包装
                            Embarking from the Christmas cabin, join Santa and friends in their  一次
                            ode to joy.                                      Delicately-designed packages are available for wrapping your
                            Time/date: 11 am & 5 pm, December 17-18; 11 am & 5 pm,  special presents.
                            December 23-24; 12 noon & 5 pm, December 25      Time/date: 11 am-7 pm, December 12-25
                                 手工礼品 DIY   DIY GIFTS                        Customers who present a receipt worth more than 50 yuan can
                                                                             have their gifts wrapped.
                            时间:12 月 12 日 -25 日(具体时间详见“圣诞小屋活动日                     传递圣诞祝福   BLESSINGS
                            程表”)                                             1000 张限量圣诞明信片,您的手写思念我们来传递(数量
                            凭当日购物消费小票满 50 元,即可免费参加会员中心互动活 有限,送完即止)
                            动;马克杯热印及 3D 打印为收费项目,单次体验价 20 元(每 时间:12 月 12 日 -25 日  11:00 - 19:00
                            人每天限体验一次)                                        One thousand Christmas-themed postcards await your
                            Welcome to do-it-yourself gifts including dolls, photo frames, mugs  handwritten wishes.
                            with pictures and three-dimensional printing.    Time/date: 11 am-7 pm, December 12-25
                            Time/date: December 12-25
                            Customers who present a receipt worth more than 50 yuan can   体感打雪仗   VIRTUAL REALITY SNOW FIGHT
                            pay 20 yuan to print images on a mug or use 3D printing. One per  当 VR 遇上圣诞,让雪球再飞一会
                            person per day.                                  时间:12 月 12 日 -25 日 11:00 - 19:00
                                                                             国贸商城会员凭会员卡免费体验 VR 游戏“扔雪球”
                                 同框合影   PHOTO PRINTING                       China World Mall member can join the snowball fight.

                            与亲朋好友同框合影,关注国贸商城官方微信,即可获得照 Time/date: 11 am-7 pm, December 12-25
                            片打印一张                                                 晒萌宠合影   PET SELFIE
                            时间:12 月 12 日 -25 日 11:00 - 19:00
                            Scan the official WeChat code of China World Mall and have one  小矮马亲临现场,合影留念分享朋友圈,截图发送 @ 北京
                            photo printed.                                   国贸商城官方微信,有机会获电影兑换券!(每份 2 张)
                            Time/date: 11 am-7 pm, December 12-25            时间:12 月 17 日 -18 日  11:00 & 17:00;12 月 23 日 -24
                                                                             日  11:00 & 17:00;12 月 25 日 12:00 & 17:00
                                 SPACE CYCLE 炫酷音乐运动秀                         Take photos with pets and share on WeChat. Send the
                                 MOVED BY MUSIC — LIVE NEW                   screenshot to the Mall WeChat account and gain a chance to

                            时间:12 月 16 日、12 月 19 日 12:40-12:45               win movie tickets.
                            Time/date: 12:40 pm-12:45 pm, December 16 and December 19  Time/date: 11 am & 5 pm, December 17-18; 11 am & 5 pm,
                                                                             December 23-24; 12 noon & 5 pm, December 25
                                 MINT PLANTS & DIY DRINKS                         商城区域 3,地下一层 会员中心门前 Membership  Center

                                                                                 (86-10) 6535 7588
                            时间:12 月 12 日 -25 日 (具体时间详见“圣诞小屋活动日
                            Wall Street English teachers offer instructions on DIY drinks and
                            planting potted mint plants.
                            Time/date: December 12-25
                            Christmas Cabin Calendar will bring you all the detailed schedule.
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