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CHINA WORLD   JANUARY 2019 / 2019 年 1 月刊  08

               改革开放 40 年:


               40 YEARS OF CHINESE REFORM & THE


           作为北京的商业地标,北京恩树国际商贸有限公司是中国首个达到国际水准的集办公、住                                A landmark in Beijing’s Central Business District, China World Trade Center (CWTC) is China’s first
           宿、会议、展览、购物、娱乐于一体的商业综合体,是中国对外开放和国际交流                                mixed-use commercial development including grade A offices, hotels,  apartments, conference
           活动的重要窗口。改革开放 40 年来,国贸中心见证了中国 40 年的发展脉络和时                           halls, exhibition spaces, shopping mall and entertainment areas. Since reform and opening-up,
           代剧变,同时,国贸也以不断创新的姿态与时俱进,蓬勃发展。                                       CWTC has witnessed 40 years of growth and the epochal changes of China, keeping pace with
           11 月 27 日,北京电视台《北京新闻》栏目对改革开放 40 年来国贸中心的建设                          the fast-moving times and developing vigorously through constant innovation.
           与发展做了高度总结。节目中,北京恩树国际商贸有限公司股份有限公司原副董事长张彦                                On November 27, Beijing Television in its Beijing News program featured on the
           飞回忆说:“国贸中心项目 1982 年开始酝酿,1984 年就到了可以实施的程度,                          construction and expansion of CWTC over the last 40 years of reform and opening-
           到 1990 年 8 月,国贸一期建设完成。”因为功能齐全,国际知名的跨国公司、                           up. Former CWTC Vice Chairman Zhang Yanfei recalled on the show how an idea from
           商社和顶级零售店纷至沓来,许多国际、国内重大会议及大型商务活动接连在此                                1982 became a project in 1984 with Phase 1 opening in August 1990. Through its
           举行,众多国家元首、政府首脑和重要国际组织负责人也频频到访。“壳牌”是                                comprehensive range of offerings, CWTC attracted an impressive profile of prestigious
           第一批入驻国贸写字楼的公司之一,壳牌中国有限公司道路安全专家陈建深有感                                multinational corporations and high-end retailers.
           触,他说:“大概是 1990 年年初,壳牌选择了在刚刚建成的国贸写字楼办公。                             Shell (China) was one of the earliest foreign companies to open an office, and Mr Chen
           多年来,国贸并不是几十年如一日,而是一直不断改进和创新。”                                      Jian, a Road Safety Expert at Shell (China), remembered it clearly. "It was probably in early
           改革开放的政策红利,细致周到的办公服务,使一期工程取得了巨大的成功,也                                1990 when Shell chose to locate in the newly built CWTC office building,” Chen said. “Over
           给国贸人带来了更多的自信。1999 年 3 月,北京恩树国际商贸有限公司 A 种股票在上海                          the years, CWTC hasn’t stagnated, but has kept improving and innovating.”
           证券交易中心挂牌上市,同年 12 月,国贸中心二期投入运营。进入新世纪,国                              In March 1999, A shares of CWTC were listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and in
           贸三期 A 阶段工程开始紧张建设。此时,国贸中心建筑面积已经达到 86 万平方米,                          December of the same year, CWTC Phase 2 went into operation. By the new century,
           国贸大厦 A 座也以 330 米的高度成为当时北京最高建筑物。2017 年 8 月,国贸                       China World Phase 3A Project started. The gross floor area of CWTC reached 860,000
           三期 B 阶段也成功开业。今天的国贸,真正满足了都市人 7 天 24 小时的全业态、                         square meters and the 330-meter China World Tower A became the tallest building in
           全天候一站式工作及居住。对此,德事商务中心北京地区总经理沙振说:“我们                                Beijing. In August 2017, CWTC Phase 3B commenced its operation.
           能充分感受和体会到国贸写字楼的高贵、优雅、安全、环保,这里是很多外资企                                “We can fully feel the elegant, safe and ecological office environment of CWTC and the
           业和 500 强企业来中国来北京设立办公室的首选地点。”                                       place is most preferred choice by many foreign enterprises and Fortune 500 companies for
           改革开放 40 年来,国贸中心已经成为世界最大的国际贸易中心建筑群之一,这                              setting up offices in Beijing,” commented by Mr Shelton Sha, the General Manager of The
           座城中之城正以全球最大国际贸易中心的体量和专业的商业设施与管理,向世界                                Executive Centre Beijing.
           宣告着中国改革开放的成果。                                                      Since reform and opening-up was launched 40 years ago, CWTC has consistently ranked
                                                                              among the largest world trade center in the world.
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