Page 9 - CHINA WORLD No37 一月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD   JANUARY 2019 / 2019 年 1 月刊  09



           作为节能环保的标杆企业,国贸中心一向重视节能环保。2012 年至今,国贸股份公                            China World Trade Center (CWTC) has enjoyed a fantastic 2018 of energy-saving
           司节能环保和能源计量等设施改造项目共计 42 项,总投资 6700 余万元,年节能折                         achievements, being awarded 13 million yuan by the government for its energy saving
           合标煤 1800 余吨,年节能效益约 1700 余万元,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。                       efforts.
           国贸中心节能环保工作,不仅高度体现了企业社会责任感,同时也给企业带来了良                               In 2018 CWTC won first prize for green, energy saving public building category from
           好的经济效益。“十三五”期间,虽然水、电、热计量价格整体分别上涨 30%、                              Beijing municipal construction committee. Also in 2018, Chaoyang district development
           6% 和 50%,但国贸中心因节能效果显著,国贸能耗量年均降低 9.3%,能源费不                          and reform commission honored CWTC as an energy saving demonstration project.
           升反降,年均下降 3.2%,如扣除涨价因素,能源费用年均下降 8.8%。不仅如此,                          Being a responsible green company, CWTC has always attached great importance to
           2017 年股份公司能耗总量 16347.24 吨标煤,扣除 3B 新区增加的 4741 吨不可比                  energy conservation and environmental protection. Since 2012, CWTC has invested in
           因素后,原一期、二期和三期 A 阶段的能耗量仅为 11606.24 吨标煤,远远低于发                        42 energy-saving projects, and expended over 67 million yuan in renovating facilities for
           改委“十三五”时期能源消费总量 12482 吨的限制指标。                                      energy-metering and ecological purposes, saving some 1,800 tons of standard coal and
           此外,国贸中心在新能源和新技术的应用上也取得了优异的成绩,尤其是以中水                                achieving energy savings of more than 17 million yuan a year.
           处理和多层次应用为基础的“服务业建筑节水关键技术集成与示范”课题,实现                                During China’s 13th Five-Year-Plan, CWTC has cut down energy consumption by 9.3
           综合节水率高达 30%,达到了社会利益和企业利益的双丰收,为企业的节能环保                              percent each year. China World Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3A consumed 11,606.24
           工作树立了标杆。近几年,随着环境保护压力不断增大和人类社会可持续发展的                                tons of standard coal during the 13th Five-Year Plan, far below the limit of 12,482 tons
           需要,节能减排已然成为各企业经营发展过程中一项棘手而紧迫的工作 。国贸股                               set by the National Development and Reform Commission.
           份公司因节能效果显著,仅 2018 年就获得了政府节能奖励和补贴 1300 余万元,                         CWTC’s corporate philosophy of social responsibility seeks to marry its energy
           不仅顺利通过了能源管理系统认证工作,还荣获北京住建委“公共建筑绿色化节                                conservation efforts with a viable profit model that can be constantly replicated and
           能改造”一等奖、朝阳区发改委“2018 年度节能示范项目”等奖励和称号。                               improved.
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